From the blog

A collection of my thoughts on programming, product development, life, and other topics, organized chronologically and including both brief and lengthy musings.

Embracing Antifragility in Tech

It's a wild ride of a book - Taleb doesn't hold back in his opinions and isn't afraid to call out people he thinks are full of it. But, that's also part of what makes it such a fun read.

A Reminder in Embracing Resistance

The blank page is a daunting taskmaster. It taunts you with its emptiness, daring you to fill it with something meaningful and substantial.

Avoiding Resource Leaks with the AbortController API

Learn how to effectively manage async tasks in your code and avoid common pitfalls such as improper error handling, excessive nesting, and failing to cancel unnecessary tasks.

Staying on Track with Code Refactoring

I encountered psychological barriers while refactoring a React app from JavaScript to TypeScript, and had to work on controlling my tendency to get sidetracked by disorganization or flaws in the code. I learned the importance of staying focused and sticking to the plan in order to avoid scope creep and unnecessary bug fixing.

The Surprising Rewards of Parenting

While parenting has its challenges, like working around a child's schedule, the rewards are so worth it.

React: What is useCallback Hook and When to Use It

One of the most important concepts to understand for optimizing React is memoization. Memoization is a performance optimization technique that eliminates the need to recompute a value for a given input by storing the original computation and returning that stored value when the same input is provided. Caching is a form of memoization.

On Having A Todo List

So it's been more than a month since I have been using a monolithic journal. Including each of the tasks I need to do on a daily basis.