From the blog

A collection of my thoughts on programming, product development, life, and other topics, organized chronologically and including both brief and lengthy musings.

Introduction to Modern Web Architecture

The diagram above is one example of how to design Twitter. If you are new to software engineering jobs or involves in large scale web architecture, the diagram above might look so complicated, but we will discuss it later.

State Management in Pure React: Thunks

In the previous post, we discuss about managing state in React's [class component](/pure-react-class), [Hooks](/state-pure-react-hooks), and a [data fetching strategy](/state-react-thunks). In this last part of the series, we are going to explore a Thunk and recap the series about implementing state management in pure React.

State Management in Pure React: Data Fetching

In the previous post, we discuss about managing state in React's [class component](/pure-react-class) and [Hooks](/state-pure-react-hooks). In this third part of the series, we are going to explore a data fetching strategy.

State Management in Pure React: The One with Hooks

Reducer is a function that takes two arguments, a current state, and an action, and demonstrates how to write a reducer function. With a reducer the state management of the state from the components rendering the the state.

State Management in Pure React: The One with Class Components

One of the hardest things in building a complex javascript application is a state management. It's why there are so many state management libraries available and more coming around every day. As applications get more complex, the big challenge in the web application is to tame and control the state. And let the main job of React is to just take your application state and turn it into DOM nodes.

Thoughts and Takeaways on My Early Months of Working Remotely

The world we work in today is not the world of Leonardo Da Vinci, of Michelangelo, of Marie Curies, of Ernest Hemingway, or even Bill Gates in his most productive years in the early years of Microsoft.

Vancouver Trip

Last month I spent a week in Vancouver attending Node + Javascript Conference 2018. I have written a long write up about the trip and the event in this medium